Group Training for Beginners!



Just like most things in life, there is more than one way to progress through a group class at Pulse. However, the following steps may be beneficial to help frame up a typical PulseFit class.


Decide to Attend a Session & Sign Up

You can reserve your spot in class via the online schedule, the mobile site, or simply let us know when you’ll be in next before you leave.

Group classes at Pulse are limited to 10 participants. If you’ve forgotten to reserve your spot and arrive to a full class, you’ll be asked to reschedule or wait for the next class. Please be sure to sign-up each day.

Class Reservation Timeline:
If no one has registered to attend a class within 2 hours of its start time, that class may be canceled. Make it a habit to always reserve your spot as soon as you know which class you’ll attend.


Arrive at the Gym & Check In

Arrive for your class about 10 minutes early if at all possible. This will give you time to check in, get settled, and start a little pre-class warmup/stretch on your own.


Workout of the Day

Start of class:
Your trainer will begin the class by reviewing gym announcements and the Workout of the Day. Points of performance for each movement will be reviewed as well. Remember, it is VERY important to have an ongoing dialogue with your trainer about any injuries (past or present), movement limitations, and how you feel. This helps them monitor your progress and assist you with scaling or modifying movements.

During the Workout: 
“Safety first, then teamwork.” The most important thing is to work safely and hard, but at your own pace. PulseFit takes time and it really is okay and very normal to feel confused in the beginning of your PulseFit adventure. Questions are wonderful and we love to hear them. Anytime you’d like more information about a movement, workout scheme, etc. ask away!

Cool down after the Workout:

Congratulations, you did it! It is highly recommended you take a few minutes and stretch